CroossGames21 is a Blog and a WEB site with free, on-line and interactive cross numbers games and cross words games. The Sudoku is the most popular and well-known mathematical game in the world, so we start our posts with this game, in different leves, and suggesting different variants.

Many of the cross numbers games and cross words games are traditional and were known before the appearance of computers. People saw them published in magazines and newspapers and solved them on paper and pencil.

Now we can take advantage of technology and make these games an interactive, dynamic, faster, friendlier and simpler experience.

Welcome to our site and enjoy it.


The Sudoku GameExplanation of the sudoku game
GamesExplanation of all games in
Solving Daily SudokuLearn to solve Daily Sudoku
Solving Sudoku ClassicLearn to solve Sudoku Classic
Castling GameLearn the game Castling and how to solve it
LevelsDifficulty levels of the games
RulesUse of options / board and keyboard in
TechniquesTricks to solve sudoku games
StatisticsStatistics of games in